“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just being”
(Self Awareness)
The benefits of regular mindful practice can be wonderfully effective in all areas of life including the workplace when applied in a holistic, grounded and practical way.
One very important benefit being stress reduction
The art of being mindful is about stripping away all the complexities of modern contemporary life out there and getting right back to the simple essence of things within.
Re-building an authentic relationship with yourself from the inside out, and then reconnecting back out there at a deeper level.
What is Mindfulness ?
Simply put Mindfulness is the art of becoming more Self Aware, of yourself and your surroundings whilst being grounded in the present moment.
Regular Mindfulness practice can help you develop a fantastic set of skills that reduce stress, build resilience and focus allowing you to take life head on in more positive, authentic and meaningful ways.
Bali photography by Heather Bonker (heatherbonker.com)
Seven benefits of regular mindfulness practice to reduce stress and enhance life.
1: Learn to relax, attain inner peace and focus
Learn to look out into the world from an inner state of peace, breath, be calm, focused and in control amidst of your busy daily schedule.
2: Become centered, grounded, present in the moment
Be in the here and now, worry less about the past that's already happened or the future that's not yet arrived.
Being more in present moment, making informed decisions and get things done that count.
3: Increase vitality and well being
Feeling mentally and emotionally fresh, alert and content, creating a more positive outlook on life and its possibilities.
4: Deepen self awareness
Regain sovereignty, reconnect back into you.
Rebuild an authentic relationship with self from the inside out, then reconnect out there at a deeper level.
5: Become energized and motivated
Having access to more of your vital energy reserves, more daily physical, mental and emotional energy for working, playing and relaxing.
6: Build resilience, efficiency and creativity
Become more confident, navigate and adapt to challenging environments.
Work smarter, more intelligently, develop deeper access into creative thinking and problem solving.
7: Develop emotional intelligence
Creating deeper, authentic and meaningful relationships with your personal and professional communities.
Enhancing connections with family, friends colleagues, staff, patients, clients and customers.
Students enjoying the serenity and inner peace in standing meditation during a guided relaxation class.
For more information on MINDFULNESS:
For Corporate Workshops - Classes - Courses - Private Tuition
Please contact Sifu Seán Grame:
TEL: +61 401 909 166
EMAIL: info@seangrame.com