Had 2 great Introduction workshops at Packer Park Hall, 120 Leila Rd, Carnegie last Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Monday was an Intro workshop for the Fundamentals to Chi Kung 19:30 - 20:30pm
Tuesday was an Intro Workshop for the Fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan 19:30 - 20:30pm
This is to be the the regular venue and time for both classes throughout 2014 during school term.
It was a chilly winters night outside, both evenings however warm on inside the training hall with lots of Smiling from the Heart going on :)
During the Chi Kung Workshop students go to experience being relaxed in standing meditation and enter Chi kung State of Mind, practice some Shaolin Wahnam Chi Kung and get a taste of Chi Flow moving through them, for Health, Vitality and General Wellbeing.
During the Tai Chi Chaun Workshop students had the opportunity to get a feel for stance training, moving in stances, Chi Kung, for Mental Clarity, Energy Building and Strengthening.
Students also had the opportunity to work together trying to be sensitive each others energy and movements with a small taster of Pushing Hands for fun :)
Regular Fundamentals Classes commence tonight Monday 21st July 2014 for the Chi Kung and tomorrow Tuesday 22nd July 2014 for the Tai Chi Chuan
Why not come along and join in the on the fun and the Chi Flow.
Sifu Seán
The training hall at Packer Park Pavillion, 120 Leila Rd, Carnegie